Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Website

We've got a new website!
Check it out!

Invitation of the Week

We have designed the invitation for the
San Francisco Opera Guild's 'Tis the Season for 3 years.
This year the San Francisco Chronicle selected the invitation as
Invitation of the Week!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring Specials at The Desk Set

Spring is on the way,
so to inspire we have some great specials!

A variety of specials, ranging from in-house printing to great specials on Custom Wedding Invitations from William Arthur and Checkerboard.

Our vendors are also coming up with new promotions so check in to see what we have to offer!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The New Awning!

Here it is in all of its glory:

Isn't is pretty?

I am so very happy with this awning! It is about 3 weeks old now, sorry for the delay, had to go to Maui.

Andrew at International Awnings did an AMAZING job on our awning, and we've lost count at how many people have come in recently asking about how old the store is! We always say it has been here for about 35 years, and we don't mean it in any condescending way, the truth is we have been here that long!

Another shot of the new awning:

And one more from the other side:

Nothing like new stuff to make it all worth it!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

OMG - Stationery Show Finds

Here is the first of a few posts about new products we've got in the shop that I found at the National Stationery Show back in May.

These are some of the NEW letterpress cards by a company called Lead Graffiti out of Newark, Delaware.

Their booth was tucked a little bit out of the way, and I only found them as I have to walk the ENTIRE show. This means aisles and aisles of stationery. Which sounds like fun. But as a visual person, I get totally overloaded with visuals and can barely survive!

The thing I totally love about these letterpress cards is that they are so completely different from all the other billion letterpress cards available.

I've got more new things coming, and I'll post when they arrive. It is one of the more exciting things about the shop - its like Christmas whenever new stuff arrives. And I love Christmas. Well, at least the present opening part.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A New Awning - A New Blog

I guess this is as good a time to start this blog as any.
After 2.5 years of owning The Desk Set, we are getting a new awning!
I don't know how long the existing awning has been up there, but this new one will incorporate our logo. And be black, not green. And the logo will be visible to people walking, not just those in the sky. The exisiting awning did get tagged last year, and is now falling apart. So all good reasons to get a new awning. And it was totally a lot less expensive than I thought it would be.
So for posterity: the old awning as shown above.